New RTR drifter! – Yokomo YD2-AC

After what seems like an eternity MST finally has company in the rear wheel drive RTR market (sort of) . The new YD2-AC quietly made its way on to the market recently and it has finally made its way to the states. I was surprised to see this pop up in my news feed because it just didn’t seem like any other manufacturers were interested in fielding a serious RTR offering. While the YD2 AC doesn’t actually qualify as an RTR in my book (it comes sans body, wheels and tires) it’s still the closest thing out there to take the fight to MST and their ever popular RMX 2.0 RTR. I’m happy to see some more RTR options out there, but I’m a bit let down on some of the choices Yokomo has made.

My first big question is why is it based on the YD2-E? The E model is the most dated of the Yd2s and its low mid-motor design is more suited to high-bite carpet tracks. In recent years extremely smooth and slick surfaces have taken center stage at most drift venues and the E model just isn’t their best chassis offering for these surfaces. My second question is why brushed? The obvious answer is to keep the price down, but that kinda goes out the window when this ARTR costs exactly the same as a fully ready to drop on the track RMX 2 (That is Brushless mind you).

There are arguments to be made for the Yokomo like it includes a battery and charger, and it also has adjustable suspension which the RMX lacks in the RTR trim. And even the lack of wheels and tires can even be excused because most people don’t use kit tires and wheels anyway.  Even with all that its still hard to make an argument that this is a better value than the RMX for the new drifter.

In any case Yokomo quality is never in question and you generally pay a premium for their kits. If the MST isn’t your thing than this may be exactly what the doctor ordered. I would have rather seen them base this on the YD2-S and at least have a brushless offering brought to market along side but at least now there are more choices for the aspiring drift pilot.

That’s it for now gang. If you want to pick one of these up you can grab one right now at my favorite RC vendors linked below. Thanks for reading and I will catch you next time.



This model is available at:

Amain Hobbies


Super G Drift shop

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About Evol 16 Articles
I entered the hobby in the golden age of RC when race cars and bashers were the same thing. I have over 29 years of experience and have participated in almost every segment of RC there is. For the last 6 years I have immersed myself in the media side of RC in the efforts of converting my passion for RC into my job. From video editing and photography to writing about drift cars and scalers, RC continues to be my passion and probably will be for the foreseeable future.