Hi Gang, welcome back, I’ve been on a bit of a break after my son was born. I wish I had time to write about my passions all the time but I just don’t. It’s rough being a father of 2 with a mortgage and a 2 hour daily commute to a new job. While the extra funds are nice, it doesn’t mean that walking away from my writing gig didn’t leave a big ole hole in my creative needs. That’s where DriftItch.com comes in. This will be my creative outlet to write about one of my favorite pastimes. RC Drifting! Albeit a little less often than I was over at BigSquid. Anywho enough with the “imbacks” Let’s get to the meat of this post.
The proliferation of RWD. While I was away I wasn’t actively driving or building or writing, but I was keeping on eye on things from afar. In that time RWD has made the shift into the limelight. Big manufacturers like Yokomo have finally made the shift into the market. Old holdouts like myself now own not one, not two, but THREE RWD chassis. Yes, I’m hooked. I have zero desire to drive my CS chassis at all anymore. They have gone the way of the Dodo for me. In fact, I’ve had so much wheel-time recently with my FMX that I can’t even pilot a CS car anymore. The proof is in the pudding when at my last drift meet none of my CS cars even made it into the gear bag.
So what’s my point here? That I was slow to come around to what everyone else saw coming a mile away? No I saw it, I just sort of hoped it would never get here. On the heels of RWD, weight shift and Bagi suspension, active camber and high CG setups kind of clouded the waters of the RWD revolution. It made it look sort of gimmicky and a lot of people did not take it seriously (including myself). My mistake *shrug* I’m never afraid to admit I’m wrong about something.
With giants like Yokomo wading into the waters of RWD it kind of washed away all of the noise surrounding the scene.
The YD2 was a serious contender right out of the gate and continues to be a serious competitor. Major shifts in the industry like that take away a lot of the uncertainty from other players who may be on the fence as to whether they are going to move in that direction. Not that industry phenom Max Speed Technology was not an early player in the RWD scene, Their blindingly fast development cycle may be to the detriment of their own business in my opinion but does seem to serve the clientele that likes to upgrade chassis every few months and people with deep pockets. It doesn’t seem to matter the company still commands a cult like following online (MST Brotherhood anyone?). A side effect of being nimble I suppose. When a scene as new as RC Drift changes every second of the day a modern company has to be able to pivot, and pivot they do.
So if you’re new to the RWD scene let me say welcome. It’s a chaotic place full of craziness and excitement. The driving is as scale looking as the cars, and the size of your checkbook is not a factor in your success. Only your skills on the wheel.
So if this sounds appealing RWD might be for you. I know now that it is for me.
Thanks for hanging out with me today. If you wouldn’t mind sharing this article I’m trying to get this new site off the ground. Head over to my FaceBook page and give me a like if you would. I would greatly appreciate it.
Catch you guys on the next one.